Monday, February 24, 2014

Winter Board Retreat

We just finished our Winter board retreat and I could not be more excited to work with such passionate and caring individuals.  We made great progress in continuing to refine our focus and vision as an organization.

Each quarter we choose one book to read as a board to help challenge and make us better as an organization.  This quarter our book was Jim Collins "Good to Great".  Reading this book was perfect timing and very affirming of the changes we have been making this past year.  Our next book will be Simon Sinek's "Start with Why".  Feel free to join us in our reading.

We came up with some very challenging and inspiring goals for how to support the orphanage in Haiti this year as well as how to engage, challenge and empower kids through our KidStarter program.

We are committed to continually getting better as an organization and delivering impactful results to those we serve!

Thank you for your support!  Please feel free to reach out with any questions or suggestions.

God bless,


Monday, February 17, 2014

New Mission Statement

The past nine months has led to many incredible transformations in Ncompass.  One of which has been a complete shift in our mission and vision.  When Ncompass was formed over seven years ago, we started with the belief that God had blessed each of us a great deal and it was our responsibility to use those blessings for others.  We did not have a crystal clear vision at the time, but knew we needed to start doing something.

It has taken us a long time to narrow down our vision and calling for the organization, however we feel that we have finally started to zone in on our mission with great clarity and focus.  The past nine months we have performed a huge deep dive into our organization and our members.  We have reviewed strengths, passions, weaknesses, effectiveness and much more.  Through this process we have transformed into what we truly feel God is calling us into, which is a youth empowerment, mobilization and impact organization.  We have a passion for youth development and transformation, and this is where the majority of our officers have spent a bulk of their time over the years.

Our new mission statement is "To serve, empower, and develop todays youth to become the generation God created them to be through education and humanitarian efforts."

We are excited to move in this new direction with focus and clarity and ask you to join us in transforming todays youth.  We are looking forward to partnering with many great organizations like Twice Cleansed, Mission of Hope, and many more in our new KidStarter program.

More details on our new KidStarter program soon to come!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

"Live out, to invite in"

I heard a powerful sermon a few months back by Troy Hoppenrath at Kaleo Covenant Church.  The sermon was about how we are called to "live out, to invite in.”   Ever since hearing this, I have had a constant awareness of the importance of this concept.  One of the core beliefs on which Ncompass was formed is that, "If everyone gives a little, together we can change the world."  

In order to inspire and mobilize people, you first have to live out the vision and calling God has on your life.  However, simply living out your calling will not always naturally draw people into it.  It is the first step, but you also need the second critical step- inviting people in.  Unfortunately, many people leave this step out. 

Our challenge this year is to do a better job inviting people to join us on mission to those we serve.  We want to live out our calling with passion and then invite people to live a life worthy of the calling they have received.  

God bless,
