Friday, May 16, 2014

Nicaragua Trip

In May Miles Dodge (Ncompass International Development Coordinator) and Danielle Schwartz (Ncompass Administrative Assistant) co-led an exploratory trip to Nicaragua to research possible partnership opportunities.  Between the two of them they used their experience of four previous trips to Nicaragua, and prior connections to identify and evaluate nine specific partnership opportunities that align with the mission of Ncompass; "To serve, empower, and develop today's youth to become the generation God created them to be through education and humanitarian efforts."  These opportunities ranged from large feeding programs with "Haiti-like" conditions, in communities like Cristo Rey, to supporting boys and girls rescue homes housing children survivors of rape/sexual assault near the former "garbage city" of La Chureca.

While the objective of the trip was to gather information for long term direction in Nicaragua the dynamic duo was able to deliver immediate positive impact.  Most notably we are proud to say Ncompass will be the primary supporter of a Child Psychologist (her name is Mabel) in Hogar Amistad, which houses 33 children, many of whom are survivors of child rape/sexual assault.  During their interview of Mabel they learned she has been practicing for over six years, primarily in the pediatric development of a hospital.  As a wife of a pastor, she formerly worked eight hours a week at Hogar Amistad and described her style as "incorporating the word of God" into her work; the kids only complaint about her was she was not around more.  With the support of Ncompass Mabel will be a full-time staff member year round and will work 48 hours a week.

Thank you for your support in this special mission and please pray for discernment as Ncompass evaluates the multitude of options on how to move forward in Nicaragua.
