Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Nicaragua Campaign

While we maintain a strong focus and dedication to Haiti, we have also been considering work in Nicaragua for quite some time now.  On May 9th, Ncompass members Miles Dodge and Danielle Schwartz will lead our first trip to Nicaragua to further research potential partnerships moving forward.

They will be headed to Jinotega, Nicaragua to support an orphanage with 30 children.  Many of these children have been victims of sexual abuse and we see this as an opportunity to partner in the great work that Hogar Amistad (Home of Friendship) is doing for these kids. The teams goal is to raise $6,000 prior to their trip to pay for a full time child psychologist to assist in their critical healing process.  Miles has set up an indiegogo campaign to raise the money and there are only two days left to fund the campaign.  Please support this project and check out more information by following this link.

Thank you for your continual support as we pursue our mission "To serve, empower and develop todays youth to become the generation God created them to be through education and humanitarian efforts."


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Recent Haiti Trips

We had two teams make trips to Haiti at the end of much.  Both trips were a massive success and accomplished many great things for the orphanage.

The first team was led by myself partnering with Life Christian School.  They were an incredible team and made a lasting impact on the kids in the orphanage.  We had five incredible high school seniors on this trip who all demonstrated amazing maturity as well as a life committed to the humble service of others.  The team purchased 21 new mattresses for the kids since many of them were sleeping on concrete floors or on extremely old and worn out mattresses.  We also fixed a septic tank pipe, painted the kids rooms, and much more.
The second team was led by Randy and Katie Matheny with Stephanie and Amanda joining them.  They had some amazing experiences with the kids and developed much deeper relationships with the orphanage staff.  They also received bids for our upcoming construction projects for a new boys dormitory as well as an upgrade to the kitchen.

We are very excited about the progress being made in the orphanage and look forward to deepening our impact in these kids lives this year.

Thank you for your support in this cause!



New Mattresses                                                          Old Mattresses